Current Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Review
The Derbyshire Dales Local Plan adopted in 2017 sets out the overall vision, and objectives, along with policies and proposals for the future development of those parts of the District that lie outside the Peak District National Park for the period 2013-2033.
Regulation 10A of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) requires local planning authorities to review Local Plans at least once every five years from their adoption date to ensure that policies remain relevant and effectively address the needs of the local community.
The District Council is committed to building thriving and sustainable communities throughout the Derbyshire Dales. The Local Plan is one of the instruments it will use to do so. The Council has ambitions to ensure that the towns and villages across the Plan Area are sustainable and flourishing, ensuring that the new homes that need to be provided are distributed across all the settlements. The intention is that the needs of younger families and the retention of services and facilities are met.
A review of the Local Plan is ongoing to ensure that it is up to date with the National Planning Policy Framework, and the Government's Planning Practice Guidance. The review will also seek to ensure that it reflects local circumstances; updated evidence; and the District Council aspirations.
Consultation on Growth Options for the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan and revised evidence on housing needs and land availability was undertaken in November 2022. Please refer to the Local Plan Consultation page for further information.
A New Approach to Housing - Consultation May 2024
As part of the review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan the District Council has been considering how the District's population will change in the future and what that might mean for the number of new homes we need to plan for.
The District Councils preferred approach is that the majority of new homes will continue to be built in Matlock, Ashbourne and Wirksworth, because this is where there is the greatest need, but we also want to ensure that the needs of families in Darley Dales and our smaller villages are met.
In order to take the Local Plan forward the District Council would now like to hear your views about our new approach to meeting our housing needs over the next 16 years.
To help you understand our thinking we have prepared a leaflet, please refer to the: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Review - A New Approach to Housing Consultation May 2024 Leaflet [PDF 2MB] for more information.
To make your views known please complete the: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan - A New Approach to Housing Consultation May 2024 Form.
A six-week period of public consultation runs from Thursday 9th May to Thursday 20th June 2024.
Paper copies of the consultation leaflet and survey form are also available at Matlock and Ashbourne Town Hall, Matlock, Ashbourne and Wirksworth Libraries and Leisure Centres.
If you wish to send an email or letter, we will also accept your comments that way to:
Planning PolicyDerbyshire Dales District CouncilTown HallBank RoadMatlockDE4 3NNemail:
Consultation Video
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Next Steps
Following this consultation, we will continue to work on the review of the Local Plan. We aim to start the statutory public consultation on a draft Local Plan in Autumn 2024. Further updates will be made available on this web page.
Should you have any questions please contact the Planning Policy Team at
Evidence Base
To support the development of the new Local Plan and the formulation of planning policies, a sound evidence base is required to underpin the Local Plan Review.
The following pieces of work have been undertaken to inform and update the evidence base and are available to view at the following links:
- Derbyshire Dales Housing & Employment Land Needs Assessment update (December 2023)
- Derbyshire Dales Housing Needs Assessment (Sept 2021)
- Derbyshire Dales Employment Land Requirements (July 2021)
- Derbyshire Dales Retail Study Update (July 2021)
- DDDC Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2021)
- Index map
- Appendix A Watercourses
- Appendix A A1 [PDF 5.9MB]
- Appendix A Ashbourne [PDF 5.5MB]
- Appendix A B1 [PDF 6.2MB]
- Appendix A B2 [PDF 7.6MB]
- Appendix A B3 [PDF 7MB
- Appendix A Brailsford [PDF 3MB]
- Appendix A C1 [PDF 7.6MB]
- Appendix A C2 [PDF 7.3MB]
- Appendix A C3 [PDF 7.1MB]
- Appendix A C4 [PDF 5.8MB]
- Appendix A Clifton [PDF 3.9MB]
- Appendix A Cromford [PDF 5.8MB]
- Appendix A D1 [PDF 6.3MB]
- Appendix A D2 [PDF 5.5MB]
- Appendix A D3 [PDF 7MB]
- Appendix A D4 [PDF 6.4MB]
- Appendix A Darley Bridge [PDF 4.4MB]
- Appendix A Doveridge [PDF 3MB]
- Appendix A E1 [PDF 6MB]
- Appendix A E2 [PDF 5.8MB]
- Appendix A E3 [PDF 7.4MB]
- Appendix A F1 [PDF 7.3MB]
- Appendix A F2 [PDF 6MB]
- Appendix A G1 [PDF 6.9MB]
- Appendix A G2 [PDF 5.6MB]
- Appendix A G3 [PDF 5.3MB]
- Appendix A H1 [PDF 7.3MB]
- Appendix A H2 [PDF 7.2MB]
- Appendix A Hulland Ward [PDF 3MB]
- Appendix A Matlock Bath [PDF 5MB]
- Appendix A Matlock [PDF 4.8MB]
- Appendix A Middleton [PDF 4MB]
- Appendix A Northwood [PDF 4MB]
- Appendix A Rowsley [PDF 3.9MB]
- Appendix A Sudbury [PDF 3.4MB]
- Appendix A Tansley [PDF 3.5MB]
- Appendix A Wirksworth [PDF 4MB]
- Appendix B A1 [PDF 30MB]
- Appendix B B1 [PDF 15MB]
- Appendix B B2 [PDF 28MB]
- Appendix B B3 [PDF 33MB]
- Appendix B C1 [PDF 26MB]
- Appendix B C2 [PDF 18MB]
- Appendix B C3 [PDF 34MB]
- Appendix B C4 [PDF 30MB]
- Appendix B D1 [PDF 31MB]
- Appendix B D2 [PDF 15MB]
- Appendix B D3 [PDF 36MB]
- Appendix B D4 [PDF 27MB]
- Appendix B E1 [PDF 18MB]
- Appendix B E2 [PDF 18MB]
- Appendix B E3 [PDF 30MB]
- Appendix B F1 [PDF 44MB]
- Appendix B F2 [PDF 30MB]
- Appendix B G1 [PDF 38MB]
- Appendix B G2 [PDF 4.4MB]
- Appendix B G3 [PDF 34MB]
- Appendix B H1 [PDF 58MB]
- Appendix B H2 [PDF 4MB]
- Appendix D [PDF 6.3MB]
- Appendix E B2 [PDF 5.7MB]
- Appendix E B3 [PDF 5.4MB]
- Appendix E C3 [PDF 5.5MB]
- Appendix E D3 [PDF 5.5MB]
- Appendix E D4 [PDF 5.3MB]
- Appendix E E3 [PDF 6MB]
- Appendix E F1 [PDF 5MB]
- Appendix E F2 [PDF 5MB]
- Appendix E G1 [PDF 5MB]
- Appendix E G2 [PDF 4.4MB]
- Appe ndix E H1 [PDF 4.5MB]
- Appendix E_H2 [PDF 4MB]
- Appendix F A1
- Appendix F B1
- Appendix F B2
- Appendix F B3
- Appendix F C1
- Appendix F C2
- Appendix F C3
- Appendix F C4
- Appendix F D1
- Appendix F D2
- Appendix F D3
- Appendix F D4
- Appendix F E1
- Appendix F E2
- Appendix F E3
- Appendix F F1
- Appendix F F2
- Appendix F G1
- Appendix F G2
- Appendix F G3
- Appendix F H1
- Appendix F H2
- Appendix C A1
- Appendix C B1
- Appendix C B2
- Appendix C B3
- Appendix C C1
- Appendix C C2
- Appendix C C3
- Appendix C C4
- Appendix C E2
- Appendix C E3
- Appendix C F1
- Appendix C F2
- Appendix C G1
- Appendix C G2
- Appendix C G3
- Appendix C H1
- Appendix C H2
- C0266 Derbyshire Dales District Council SA HRA Scoping Report
- SHELAA FINAL Report April 2022
- SHELAA 2021 Appendices Full (April 2022)
- Settlement Hierarchy Report (November 2023)
Further updates to the evidence base will be made and uploaded to the website accordingly when available.
Local Plan Timetable
The current timetable for undertaking the review and preparing the Local Plan covering 2017-2040 is set out in the adopted Local Development Scheme.
If you would like a copy of any of the documents, please contact the Planning Policy team by email to
Planning Policy Consultation Database
If you would like to receive notification about when we are consulting on the development of the Local Plan and other forward planning documents please enter your details on our online form.