Local Plan Consultation

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Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Review - Consultation on Growth Options 2022

Derbyshire Dales District Council, is the local planning authority for that part of its area that sits outside of the Peak District National Park. In December 2017 the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan was formally adopted. It sets out the policies and proposals for the use and development of land for the period 2013-2033. Regulation 10A of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) requires local planning authorities to review Local Plans at least once every five years from their adoption date to ensure that policies remain relevant and effectively address the needs of the local community. To comply with this duty, a review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan must be completed by December 2022.

In November 2022 the District Council began a review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan adopted in 2012 to take it forward for the period to 2040. The Local Plan Review will set out the planning framework for the District and will cover issues such as; housing provision, the economy, retail and town centres; infrastructure provision and the environment. It will also set out policies by which planning applications will be determined, in addition to allocating land for housing, employment and other uses.

One of the key areas for the review has been the future growth options for the District Council area. The evidence suggests that there are four potential scenarios:

ScenarioNo. of Homes per annumTotal No. of Homes 2017 - 2040No. of Jobs Estimated
Standard Methodology 230 5,290 2,120
Baseline Economic Scenario 239 5,497 2,436
Recovery Scenario 275 6,325 3,718
High Growth Scenario 302 6,496 4,675

A review of the land available to meet the housing needs has been undertaken and this suggests that there is capacity to deliver about 5995 dwellings over the plan period to 2040. With the exception of the Standard Methodology Scenario, which can be delivered (a minimum of 10% to take account of the need for flexibility for unimplemented planning permissions), this means the District is likely to have to find extra land in order to meet the higher growth scenarios.

In order to consider the extent to which the higher growth scenarios can be met the District Council appointed consultants BDP Ltd to help. They have identified three potential options to meeting the future needs:

  • Diffuse Growth – small scale development
  • Urban Extensions – focus development on extensions to the main towns
  • New Settlement – bring forward proposals for a ‘new’ village to meet future needs

A six week period of public consultation period ran from Thursday 10th November 2022 until 5pm on Thursday 22nd December 2022.

The document that was consulted upon can be viewed as follows: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Growth Options Consultation Document (November 2022)

The results of the consultation can be viewed in the following PDF document: Derbyshire Dales Growth Options Consultation Results (2023)

Planning Policy Consultation Database

If you would like to receive notification about when we are consulting on the development of the Local Plan and other forward planning documents please enter your details on our online form.

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