Service Standards
We are committed to the delivery of high quality services that give best value. We recognise that our customers have a diversity of needs and interests that we are constantly striving to satisfy. However, on occasions particularly in regard to planning issues, the needs and interests of our customers may conflict. In such instances, the Council must be consistent and transparent in its decision making in order to ensure that we provide a clear and fair service to all of our customers, regardless of the outcome of their case.
Advice to customers
Pre-application advice is not compulsory and may not be appropriate for all schemes. Pre-application discussions, however, allow you to 'test the waters' on the likely acceptability of a scheme.
There are a number of benefits associated with seeking pre-application planning advice including:
- understanding how our policies will be applied to your proposal;
- input from other officers including design and conservation, landscape and policy officers and the Local Highway Authority where necessary;
- reducing the time that you or your professional advisor(s) spend working up your planning proposal;
- tells you if a proposal is unacceptable and, where appropriate, gives guidance on improving its quality and enables you to understand what issues need to be addressed / information needs to accompany an application.
A planning officer will be available at the Town Hall, Matlock between 9.00am to 12.00 noon Monday to Fridays to assist members of the public who may have a specific enquiry in relation to a live planning application only.
To discuss specific proposals you are advised to engage in the pre-application advice process. Find further information on the pre application process and fees.
What you can do to help yourself
For free planning advice please go to the planning portal website. The National Planning Practice Guide is also a useful starting point in relation to any technical planning enquiry you may have.
Information for customers
We publish lists of planning applications and decisions, quarterly statistics and other information on our performance which may be inspected on request. These, together with agendas of planning committees are available to view on the Council’s website. Alternatively contact
Treating everyone fairly
We are committed to promoting equal opportunities for the community we serve. Our equal opportunities policy seeks to ensure that no discrimination is permitted on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, sex or disability.
Customers' views
The views of our customers are important to us as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. We are committed to improving the quality of our services through consultation and by offering choice wherever possible. In this way we can continue to improve. If you wish to comment on any aspect or our service, whether favourably or not, please contact the Head of Regulatory Services at the following email address
When you are consulted on a planning application, please remember we want your views whether in favour or against. However, we are obliged to determine applications within specified timescales, therefore please respond within the consultation period specified to ensure we are able to take a balanced view.
If you think that development is taking place without planning permission, let us know immediately by emailing