Work begins on Matlock bus station project

As promised, work has now started on an exciting partnership scheme to improve the bus station and taxi rank in Matlock's Bakewell Road.

It means the adjacent Spa Villas 16-space car park will be closed for around three weeks from Monday to Friday for enabling work on both sides of the vehicular exit road from the bus station.

This includes removing shrubs and reducing ground levels to enable a low maintenance gravelled surface to be laid.

This preparatory work will continue through February to prepare the ground for further upgrades including improving the bus layby and re-surfacing footways around the site. This work that will be delivered by Derbyshire County Council.

Further action by the District Council will comprise demolition of a redundant kiosk, re-decoration of the building, installation of large windows to create a comfortable waiting area for bus and taxi passengers and new seating.

Real time information boards will be incorporated too, together with new street furniture, landscaping, tree planting, lighting and signage.

The project is being funded by Derbyshire Dales District Council, Derbyshire County Council and the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

funded by uk government

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