Cancelled | Community and Environment Committee, 8 February

The latest meeting of the Council's Community and Environment Committee was due to be broadcast live on our YouTube channel from 6pm on 8 February. However, due to snowfall across the district this meeting has been cancelled because not enough members would be able to travel to make up a quorum.

The main business of the meeting was to receive an update report on the Ashbourne Air Quality Management Area Action Plan in respect of questions raised at the meeting of the Community and Environment Committee held on 7 December 2023 and a warning letter received from DEFRA in respect of the late submission of the Action Plan.

Also due to be debated as a report updating Members on progress made by the four Derbyshire Dales Corporate Plan Working Groups, established by Council on 14 December 2023, which are under the remit of this committee.

View the full agenda and reports.

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