Our Corporate Leadership Team of chief officers and senior managers meets weekly to develop policy issues in line with the Council's aims, objectives and priorities and to discuss key issues.
The Corporate Leadership Team, led by the Chief Executive, also considers other internal control issues, including risk management, performance management, compliance, efficiency and value for money, and financial management.
Chief Executive
Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson, Chief Executive, is Head of Paid Service and has overall responsibility for all Services and areas of work.
The Chief Executive advises Members on policy at a strategic level and ensures their decisions are converted into action.
He is the key link between Members and Officers, taking responsibility for organisational development, major strategic partnerships, governance and resources, together with supporting front line services.
Paul ensures the Council is fit for purpose and gives line management support to Service Directors, supporting:
- Director of Resources and S151 Officer
- Director of Corporate and Customer Services and Monitoring Officer
- Director of Place and Economy
- Director of Community and Environmental Services
- Director of Housing Services
- The Human Resources Manager also reports directly to the Chief Executive.
Service Directors
Service Directors are the operational leads for their areas and take full responsibility for delivery of their services. The Chief Executive offers personal support and advice to the Service Directors and with them develops policy areas and the direction of travel for their service areas.
Karen Henriksen
Karen Henriksen is Director of Resources and has statutory duties as the Council's appointed Chief Financial (Section 151) Officer. Her responsibilities include:
- Financial Services
- Audit
- Council Tax
- Business Rates
- Housing Benefits
- Risk Management
- Treasury Management
Helen Mitchell
Helen Mitchell is Director of Corporate and Customer Services and Monitoring Officer. Her responsibilities include:
- Democratic Services
- Member Services
- Elections
- Legal
- Customer Services
- Business Support
- Land Charges
- Communications and Marketing
- Complaints
- Transformation
- IT Services
- Data Protection
- Public Consultation
- Equalities
- Corporate Project co-ordination and delivery.
- Corporate Plan
- Service Plans
- Performance Management
Steve Capes
Steve Capes is Director of Place and Economy. His responsibilities include:
- Development Management
- Building Control Contract Management
- Conservation and Design
- Planning Policy
- Tourism
- Economic Development
- Business Advice
- Jobs and Skills
- Environmental Health
- Affordable Warmth
- Disabled Facilities Grants
- Licensing
Rob Cogings
Rob Cogings is Director of Housing. His responsibilities include:
- Council Housing
- Strategic Housing
- Home Options
- Homelessness
- Housing
- Empty Properties
- Housing Association Liaison
- Travellers
Ashley Watts is Director of Community and Environmental Services. His responsibilities include:
- Waste and Recycling
- Parks and Streetscene
- Car Park Operations
- ABC Operations
- Fleet Management
- Corporate Health and Safety
- Countryside Management
- Arboriculture and Landscape
- Public Conveniences
- Burials and Bereavement
- Enviro Crime
- Dog Warden Service
- Events
- Illuminations
- Community Safety
- Markets
- Community Engagement
- Assets of Community Value
- Estates and Facilities
- Climate Change
- Leisure
- Sports Development