The map below shows DDDC Tree Preservation Orders and Conservation Areas in the Derbyshire Dales planning area (please note that the Peak District National Park Authority administers all TPOs and CAs in the Peak District). Trees within these areas are subject to statutory protection.To view the Derbyshire County Council Tree Preservation Orders click go to the DCC webpage.
Use the + and – buttons to zoom in and out.Use the binoculars button to search for a specific area.Click on the TPO/CA’s to see more information.This map is currently in beta and is subject to change at any time.
Works to trees subject to a TPO require an application to DDDC using the form available on DDDC website or Planning Portal website. Works to trees in a Conservation Area require a notification to DDDC using the form available on DDDC website or Planning Portal website. Should you have any questions, please contact DDDC Trees and Landscape Officer on 01629 761244 or email
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