Order new/ replacement container

Broken/missing containers

If your blue-lid bin, insert, blue box, blue bag or kerbside caddy are broken or have gone missing please complete our online form. We will usually arrange for a replacement container to be delivered within 10 working days.

If your grey bin or green-lid bin is missing or broken please complete our online form to order and pay for a replacement. There is a charge of £24.75 for a replacement 140 litre grey bin. It is £31.20 for a replacement 240 litre grey bin (if you still qualify for the larger bin) and £27.95 for a replacement 240 litre green-lid bin. We will arrange for a replacement container to be delivered within 10 working days of the payment. Put out up to 4 standard sized black sacks on household waste collection day if your grey bin is missing or broken.

Leave your broken container in an accessible place. It will be removed when the new container is delivered.

Brand new properties

If you have moved into a brand new property there is an initial set up charge of £24.75. You will receive a 140 litre grey wheeled bin for household waste, a 240 litre blue-lid bin for recycling and a kitchen and kerbside caddy.

In some cases you can apply for a larger grey household waste wheeled bin (240 litre). The charge for a 240 litre grey bin is £31.20. Please complete our online form to order your bins. Payment must be made before the bins are delivered.

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