The agenda and questions for the Examination in Public can be viewed below:
Week 1 (Stage 1) Agendas
- Session 1 - Procedural and Overarching Matters
- Session 2 - The Spatial Strategy
- Session 3 - Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) and the Housing Requirement
- Session 4 - How will the Housing Requirement be met and a Five Year Housing Land Supply Maintained?
- Session 5 - Affordable Housing, Housing Mix and Standards
- Session 6 - Gypsy and Traveller Provision
- Session 7 - Employment Development
- Session 8 - Town Centres and Tourism
- Session 9 - Infrastructure and Community Facilities
Week 2 (Stage 2) Agendas
Strategic and other allocations and Settlement Boundaries
- Session 10 – Matlock
- Session 11 - Wirksworth
- Session 12 - Ashbourne
- Session 13 – Darley Dale
- Session 14 – Rural Parishes
- Session 15 - Generic Policies
- Session 16 - Implementation and Monitoring
- Session 17 - Review
If you would like a copy of any of the documents, please contact the Planning Policy team by email to